The Importance of Commercial Landscaping: Maximizing the Value of Your Property

Designing an intentional,  creative, and beautiful landscape for your commercial property is an investment in your building as well as your business. While the outside of your space may not be the first thing that comes to your mind, it is the first thing that customers and employees will see. Your landscape provides your first impression to anyone walking onto your premises and you want to ensure that they feel welcome, safe, and confident in choosing your place of business. 

Not only can a well-designed landscape draw attention and increase curbside appeal but it can also be a subtle way to influence how customers and employees engage with your outdoor space. If you want clients to stay a little longer then provide benches and sitting areas for them. Give them clear easy paths to follow. Create outdoor seating areas for employees with some privacy and cover where they can get some refreshing time outside. If you want to communicate quick efficiency, give them one clear and short path from the entrance to the parking lot. Create a landscape that compliments the purpose of your business. 

Providing a beautiful landscape for your business is especially important now during COVID. A well-designed landscape allows employees or tenants to frequently get outside and breathe in fresh air which is shown to help strengthen our immune systems. It allows visitors and tenants space to socially distance while still engaging in outdoor activities together. It is also shown that just 30 mins outdoors in the sun each day can help increase mental health and wellness. 

Another benefit is that you can choose to create a landscape that is environmentally friendly and receive irrigation rebates just by creating a more sustainable landscape. Not to mention that people in the community are usually more eager to support a business that is doing its fair share of helping the environment and local ecosystem.  

Moving forward on designing a landscape for your commercial property doesn’t have to be complicated. Below are some suggestions


The very least that any commercial property should have is a landscape maintenance plan. You want to keep the outside of your premises looking neat and clean with the grass and shrubbery trimmed and any plant beds weeded regularly. If the outside of your property looks overgrown and unkept that communicates a lack of care and attention to detail to potential customers. 


Having colorful flower beds is another way to add value to your business. Our eyes are naturally drawn towards color so planting a variety of flowers near entrances and signs brings attention to your business and subtly guides people through your doors.  


Planting trees is another way to add value to your property. Aside from the visual appeal they also provide shade and cover for customers and employees. They can also provide a home or perch for local wildlife. Plus, trees clean our air. 


Lighting is another really important aspect of your landscape that you don’t want to overlook. Lighting can be used to draw attention to your building and entrances at night. Having a properly lit landscape also helps people navigate the property without tripping in the dark. A well-lit area is also shown to discourage criminal activity on the premises thus increasing the security and safety of your property. 

Holiday Decor 

Just because plants go dormant in the winter doesn’t mean your landscape should then sit bare for several months. There are a lot of options for decorating a landscape or entrance during the winter months that can maintain the visual appeal for customers and keep your space looking colorful and welcoming all year long.  

The Landscape design and maintenance of your commercial property is essential if you want to create a space that people will continue frequenting. If you’re interested in getting started on a landscape renovation, new design, maintenance schedule, or making your outdoor space more sustainable, contact Bloom Floralscapes. We have experts in both commercial and residential projects and can help make your vision a reality. Now is the time to plan for the 2021 season if you want to work with us. Don’t delay, we book out early. To schedule a project review and consultation, contact us here.